It's Not All Your Fault You're Fat

Your Body Type Determines Your Shape

The obesity crisis started in the late 1970s, due to the introduction of highly processed foods and that we are much more sendentary. Add to the mix genetics and high stress levels, these all contribute to what is now referred to as “obesogenic” environment. You can now order and eat food sitting on your sofa by literally lifting a few fingers.

Genetics load the gun, but environment pulls the trigger”.  There are three main genetic body types: 

   Ectomorph (tall and thin) 
   Mesomorph (athletic and strong) 
   Endormorphs (shorter and stockier).   

Most women who are overweight are Endormorphs, the main characteristics of which are a slow metabolism and lower insulin resistance.

Extreme Diets & Exercise Are Counter-Productive

Your body has a balance (referred to as a set point) where all the body systems work together to keep us alive.  The medical word is homeostasis.  Crash diets and extreme exercise affects this balance and your metabolism can slow down (a survival response) and your body starts to use less calories – this is the main reason why low calorie diets fail.

You're Programmed to Avoid Pain

There is a survival instinct theory called The Motivational Triad which is:

  1. Seek pleasure
  2. Avoid pain
  3. Conserve energy

Translated to the 21st Century this means:

  1. Eat and drink whatever and whenever you want
  2. Don’t do anything that could cause you mental or physical pain, and
  3. Don’t move unless you really need to. 

No wonder we struggle to stay healthy!

There’s Temptation At Every Turn.

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