Happy Head, Healthy Habits

Start By Smiling

Smiling releases dopamine.  Sometimes you’ll have to smile through the more challenging habit changes but once you’ve succeeded a few times, it will be a piece of cake. 

Being happy doesn’t always come naturally, but the more you work on your wellbeing and gain control, happiness becomes automatic.

Smiling releases dopamine

Love Yourself, Break Bad Habits

We all know how difficult it is to break bad habits, but thinking about and accepting the harm they cause is where the change comes. 

Being unable to create and sustain healthy habits generally comes from a lack of self … belief, worth, esteem, care, love.

Concentrating on the healthy habits that make you happy and healthy, while boosting your sense of self, are the ones to work on so that they become second nature.

Movement, Body & Mind

Once in motion the magic happens, the DOSE hormones starting kicking in and you’re motivated to move! Movement strengthens the body and mind connection and is great for stress relief and problem solving. 

The "All Or Nothing" Approach Doesn't Work

Healthy habits should be simple. For instance, if you always have a takeaway on a Friday, go for the healthiest option available, so instead of a carb and fat loaded pizza, have a chicken kebab with loads of salad. 

An all or nothing approach, such as going for a salad box isn’t going to cut it at first, but you can progress from the kebab to buying all the ingredients and creating your own fakeway (there’s loads of recipes on line for this). 

The smile of success makes healthy habits stick.

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