Weight Loss Should be EASY
Most of us know what to do to get fitter and healthier but we don’t do it. Why?
Because what you tried before wasn’t EASY – Enjoyable, Achievable, Sustainable and done Your Way.
It’s now time to embrace the EASY method. Small consistent actions build up the compound effect – one step leads to 10,000 steps. Start simple. Start Easy and then you’ll be ready for the tough stuff!

Life is short and we need to enjoy it as much as possible.
You will find creating healthy habits more enjoyable if you keep the end goal in sight.
That goal is to be fitter and healthier and in control of your choices.
Start small and simple. There is only so much time in a day and you probably have lots of other things to do.
You have to be realistic about the actual amount of time you have (being brutally honest about how you spend your time is vital).
Don’t push yourself too hard, your Mind Monkey will start moaning!

Life is a learning curve and you’ll probably have to experiment to find out what’s healthy habits are easy and doable for you.
“Fake it until you make it”
Just keep going and you’ll find what works for you.
Your Way
Your healthy habits have to fit into your life.
For some getting up an hour earlier and exercising before work is the answer. For others its attending exercise or wellbeing classes where they can socialise and make friends.
It’s always good to surround yourself with people like you, struggling with the same issues.

Experimentation is Essential and Exciting