Wellbeing before Weight Loss
Wellbeing over weight loss is logical. If you’re not healthy and, importantly happy, then it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to keep the weight off. If you’ve lost weight before, you’ll know this.
Obviously weight plays a part in being healthy, but it’s not always the top priority. By looking after your physical and mental health first, you’ll be able to manage your weight far more successfully.
Humans are programmed to take the EASY option because back when we were hunter gatherers we had to conserve our energy for a famine, which meant we minimised the amount of effort we expended when we weren’t out catching food and rearing our young. This can be explained by a theory called “The Motivational Triad”.

The Motivational Triad
- Our brain seeks pleasure Mainly short-term pleasure, that’s why we eat that donut even though we want to lose weight, or we buy more stuff even though we have a house full of stuff already, or watching Netflix instead of tidying our home and office or working on another goal.
- Our brain wants to avoid pain at all cost Any pain, even healthy growing pain, or healthy pain of not giving in to sugar cravings or feeling our negative emotions instead of going shopping or binging Netflix.
- Our brain wants to be efficient This is a biggie, because change uses up a lot of energy and our brain wants to save energy, it tries to avoid any change in order to be efficient. It wants to save energy by staying in familiar and established habits and routines. This is why we are staying stuck in an unhealthy cycle, whether it serves us and our goals and intentions or not.
About Debra
It was whilst running a busy seaside café that Debs first encountered body shaming and distorted eating. Having heard about mindful eating and reading a few books (including Jon Kabbat Zin who designed the first mindfulness programme) she learned that mindfulness is a simplified form of meditation, so she trained as a meditation teacher.
Debs is also a qualified fitness coach and is on a mission to get women moving more, increasing brain health and improving mind management –so women are able to make better decisions and create healthy habits the EASY way. Then just to round off her skill set (but always learning) she trained as a health coach – helping women look at the whole picture, their home and work life, family dynamics, social life, everything is connected!
About Phil
Phil is a bit of geek and is amazing at tech stuff and fixing things.
Phil has got the health bug because Debs is always banging on about it. First he did the Wim Hof method, starting with cold showers and doing deep breathing, managing to hold his breath for over two minutes.
Once he discovered the power of breathing, he qualified as breathworks instructor – the power of proper breathing cannot be over-stated. Due to modern life our breathing has changed for the worse, creating problems, which we now try to control with medication, in particular stress and blood pressure.
He is now the proud owner of a chest freezer, which is filled with seriously cold water, and he does cold-water immersion, which – apparently makes you feel amazing. Debs is yet to be convinced!
Phil and Debs were online dating pioneers, having met in 2006. They got married in 2013 and moved to the seaside in 2016 to buy a café which, sadly due to pandemic, was closed, but they are now concentrating on our health coaching business together.